On August 19, 2020, the Board of Supervisors requested regular updates regarding the COVID-19 response, barriers encountered, and COVID-related expenditures to be provided as a standing item on each Board agenda from the Director of Department of Health Services and the Sacramento County Health Officer. On July 13th the Director of Department of Health Services Chevon Kothari and the Sacramento County Health Officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye gave a COVID-19 Response Update to the Board Of Supervisors. And…..it wasn’t great.
Poor, Black, and Brown communities have the largest positivity rate. The Delta variant is now the dominant circulating strain. In California, it is predominantly being found in the Sacramento region, Bay Area, and LA Area.
They also broke it down by zip code, and provide the top 10 COVID hot spots in Sac County.
For California, the case rate among those that are vaccinated in 0.6 per 100,000, whereas, among unvaccinated, it is 4.9 per 100,000
Health Services also talked about the great lengths they go to in order to coordinate with other health offices and make vaccine distribution accessible.
Supervisors Nottolli and Serna asked for specific numbers surrounding vaccination rates, side effects, updated death tolls, and use of dollars associated with the county declaring racism a public health crisis. The Health Services team couldn’t immediately provide answers, but said they would be able to pull the data.
California brought back the mask mandate for indoors in schools, but removed social distancing guidelines.
Dr. Kasirye pleaded that the Supervisors make county wide standards, but Supervisor Frost was quick to confirm that the state mandate left enforcement up to individual districts.
There was a FULL line at public comment.
Doctors in their white coats lined up to assure the community the vaccine is safe, and to urge the Supervisors to follow the directives of the Department of Health Services. There were also a number of concerned community members who disagreed with the medical professions. They pointed to the low mortality percentage of COVID-19, voiced their concerns about vaccine safety, and their concerns that their freedoms were being compromised. One parent came in with the argument that masks (and social distancing) are unsafe and unnecessary for children.