In August 2020, the Board of Supervisors requested regular updates regarding the COVID-19 response to be provided as a standing item on each Board agenda from the Director of Department of Health Services and the Sacramento County Health Officer.
The 9.14.21 update was intended to be a presentation from the Sierra Health Foundation. From the attachments it looks like they are partnering with the Department of Health Services to offer wrap around services that include vaccines. Meaning you’ll get money, food, job placement, mental health services, and other resources, along with your vaccine.
Due to time constraints the presentation will be rescheduled. It will be interesting to see if you’ll have to get vaccinated to receive the other services.
Director of Health Services Chevon Kothari said they’re cautiously optimistic, because while hospital rates are high, they seem to be going down and Sacramento is at 52% vaccination rate. The availability of vaccines seems to vary based on how interested your supervisor is in them.
Dr. Olivia Kasirye also reported there is a shortage at the manufacturer level for rapid Covid tests. The national guard will stop assisting with vaccine clinics this month. The department of health also plans to give out Covid vaccines along with flu vaccines.
In terms of budgeting, General Funds in the amount of $10.2 million that remained at the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 are being reallocated to the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget.