Do Better, UC Davis.....
Last month we shared with you issues regarding the Aggie Square project in Sacramento's Oak Park neighborhood. Over the last year and a half, Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD), a collaborative organization consisting of community based organizations and residents, have been demanding that UC Davis and Wexford enter into a legally binding Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) to ensure issues impacting residents such as access to jobs, transportation, health care, environmental and housing will be incorporated and accountability measures put in place.
Well, now the ish hath hit the fan because the group has filed a lawsuit and claims the project violates the California Environmental Quality Act by failing to properly mitigate the air pollution and housing displacement issues it could cause the surrounding neighborhoods.
Mayor Steinberg and the Building Trades union are predictably not happy about this lawsuit because "all hail Capitalism." The community group part of SIWD (Oak Park Neighborhood Association, Sacramento Housing Alliance, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and several other community groups) just want UC Davis to do better.
We'll have more information on this project in upcoming issues, but that's your tea for now.