Thank you to Mo Kashmiri for the detailed notes!
- Despite the overwhelming vote of no confidence at the last board meeting, the Board unanimously gave Superintendent Aguilar a positive evaluation in closed session. This extends his contract until 2025.
- During public comment, SacAct, BPSB (Black Parallel School Board), and others talked about the need to work collaboratively on developing and implementing alternatives to school safety since the SRO (School Resource Officers) positions were cut.
- The Board discussed an informational item that would allow them to spend one-time money on staffing to support students. It would require regular updates from Management and will be voted on at the next board meeting.
They would add approximately 150 additional new positions, but with the caveat that the funding is not ongoing since COVID dollars largely must be used by 2024. This leaves $260 million or so in one-time funds that can still be allocated moving forward. This was an informational item and will be finalized at next meeting.
- The Board and staff still believe there will be a projected structural budget deficit, although that data discounts the massive amount of one-time COVID money coming into the District. SCTA (Sacramento City Teachers Association) pointed out that the District has actually run surpluses in 9 of the last 10 years, and that they regularly underestimate the amount of revenue they will have. The budget may be approved if the new funding in the State budget is approved by the Governor.
- SCTA stated that their goal is to have an agreement on the budget by August 15th, but that they have been underwhelmed at the District's lack of availability and effort around negotiations. They asked the Superintendent and Board members to show up to negotiations.
- The District also had a first reading to a change of the bylaws that would give sole power to the Board President and the Superintendent to set the agendas. This would mean less accountability in terms of what is on future agendas. This item will be voted on at the next meeting.
- The Board approved the District's Special Education Local Plan, and the School Plans for Student Achievement from individual sites. Next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 30th